$77.00 USD

Every month

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Monthly Women's Circle Membership

This is the Women's Circle Membership where you will feel deeply held, every single month. 

We will move intuitively between themes, responding to the energy that the group is feeling at any given moment. 


✨Every circle will look and feel different.

✨Every circle will offer a unique experience.

✨Every circle will inspire you to step into your next level, open your heart and begin to move with the ebbs and flows of the universe. 


Self-trust, confidence, higher levels of awareness and a deep feeling of belonging is at your fingertips right now. 


What you'll get over the course of this membership:

  • Themed Conversations & Activations
  • Coaching & Intuitive Guidance
  • Powerful Healing Experiences
  • Ever-evolving Sisterhood  
  • Integration & Embodiment Tasks to anchor in what we've moved / learned in the circle.
  • Visionaries & Inspirational Guest Speakers 


Your Monthly Circle will be the 4th Monday of every month at 6pm CST (with a few exceptions *). Upcoming Circles are listed below:

  • *Tuesday, May 28th at 4pm AZ time / 6pm CDT 
  • Monday, June 24, at 4pm AZ / 6pm CDT
  • Monday, July 22, at 4pm AZ / 6pm CDT
  • Monday, Aug 26, at 4pm AZ / 6pm CDT
  • *Monday, Sept 16, at 4pm AZ / 6pm CDT 
  • Monday, Oct 28 at 4pm AZ / 6pm CDT
  • Monday, Nov 25 at 5pm AZ / 6pm CST
  • *Monday, Dec 16 at 5pm AZ / 6pm CST 


*Your first payment acts as an agreement to subscribe to this membership, which is based on monthly payments until canceled. 

Click HERE TO SUBSCRIBE to receive emails that provide YOUR CONFIRMATION, WELCOME, AND DETAILS for this program.